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- #include "testit.h"
- void *oldcms,
- *newcms,
- *oldcmq,
- *newcmq,
- *naught;
- char *buf1,
- *buf2,
- *buf3,
- *buf4;
- ULONG identity;
- BOOL negative;
- void *TimerBase;
- struct MsgPort *tport;
- struct timerequest *treq;
- struct timeval tim1,
- tim2,
- tim3,
- timold,
- timdif,
- totold,
- totnew;
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- #define S0_D0 0
- #define S0_D1 1
- #define S0_D2 2
- #define S0_D3 3
- #define S1_D0 4
- #define S1_D1 5
- #define S1_D2 6
- #define S1_D3 7
- #define S2_D0 8
- #define S2_D1 9
- #define S2_D2 10
- #define S2_D3 11
- #define S3_D0 12
- #define S3_D1 13
- #define S3_D2 14
- #define S3_D3 15
- void printoffset(unsigned short alignment);
- #pragma regcall(printoffset(d0))
- void testit(unsigned long loops,unsigned long bytes,long offset);
- #pragma regcall(testit(d0,d1,a0))
- long main(void)
- {
- #asm
- movea.l (4).w,a0
- move.l _LVOCopyMem#+2(a0),a1
- move.l a1,_newcms
- move.l _LVOCopyMemQuick#+2(a0),_newcmq
- move.l -4(a1),_identity
- move.l -8(a1),_oldcms
- move.l -12(a1),_oldcmq
- lea _donaught#,a0
- move.l a0,_naught
- #endasm
- if (SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version < 37)
- {
- Write(Output(),"You need 2.0 to run this program!\n",34);
- goto warn;
- }
- if (identity != '*Art')
- {
- Printf("You must run CopyMemQuicker first!\n");
- warn: return 5;
- }
- tport = CreatePort("cmemtest",0);
- treq = (struct timerequest *)CreateExtIO(tport,(LONG)sizeof(struct timerequest));
- OpenDevice("timer.device",UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)treq,0);
- TimerBase = treq->tr_node.io_Device;
- Printf( "This test will compare the old CopyMem/CopyMemQuick routines with\n"
- "the new ones you have installed. A great variety of tests will be\n"
- "run, and this might take some time, especially if your system has a\n"
- "slow processor.\n\n"
- "Initiating test (please be patient...)\n\n");
- if ((!(buf1 = (char *)malloc(65540)))
- || (!(buf2 = (char *)malloc(65540))))
- {
- Printf("Not enough memory to run test!\n");
- return 10;
- }
- {
- UWORD attnflags = SysBase->AttnFlags;
- ULONG scalefactor;
- if (attnflags & AFF_68040)
- scalefactor = 0;
- else if (attnflags & AFF_68030)
- scalefactor = 1;
- else if (attnflags & AFF_68020)
- scalefactor = 2;
- else if (attnflags & AFF_68010)
- scalefactor = 3;
- else scalefactor = 4;
- testit(565 >> scalefactor,65536,S0_D0);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S0_D1);
- testit(413 >> scalefactor,65536,S0_D2);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S0_D3);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S1_D0);
- testit(382 >> scalefactor,65536,S1_D1);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S1_D2);
- testit(501 >> scalefactor,65536,S1_D3);
- testit(501 >> scalefactor,65536,S2_D0);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S2_D1);
- testit(382 >> scalefactor,65536,S2_D2);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S2_D3);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S3_D0);
- testit(413 >> scalefactor,65536,S3_D1);
- testit(147 >> scalefactor,65536,S3_D2);
- testit(564 >> scalefactor,65536,S3_D3);
- testit(33900 >> scalefactor,1024,S0_D0);
- testit(9400 >> scalefactor,1024,S0_D1);
- testit(24000 >> scalefactor,1024,S2_D2);
- testit(196000 >> scalefactor,128,S0_D0);
- testit(155000 >> scalefactor,128,S2_D2);
- testit(588000 >> scalefactor,19,S0_D0);
- testit(622000 >> scalefactor,18,S0_D0);
- testit(663000 >> scalefactor,17,S0_D0);
- testit(956000 >> scalefactor,16,S0_D0);
- testit(1060000 >> scalefactor,8,S0_D0);
- testit(1430000 >> scalefactor,4,S0_D0);
- testit(2190000 >> scalefactor,1,S0_D0);
- }
- free(buf2);
- free(buf1);
- Printf("Total timing:\n-------------\n");
- Printf("%s routines :%4ld.%02ld secs","Old",totold.tv_secs,totold.tv_micro / 10000);
- Printf("\n");
- Printf("%s routines :%4ld.%02ld secs","New",totnew.tv_secs,totnew.tv_micro / 10000);
- Printf("\n");
- {
- unsigned long pctint,
- hund1,
- hund2;
- struct timeval *time3 = &tim3,
- *totalold = &totold;
- time3->tv_secs = totalold->tv_secs;
- time3->tv_micro = totalold->tv_micro;
- SubTime(time3,&totnew);
- if ((LONG)time3->tv_secs < 0)
- {
- time3->tv_secs = -((LONG)time3->tv_secs + 1);
- time3->tv_micro = 1000000 - time3->tv_micro;
- negative = TRUE;
- }
- else negative = FALSE;
- hund2 = (time3->tv_secs * 100) + (time3->tv_micro / 10000);
- hund1 = (totalold->tv_secs * 100) + (totalold->tv_micro / 10000);
- pctint = hund2 * 100000 / hund1;
- if ((pctint % 10) > 5)
- pctint += 10;
- pctint /= 10;
- Printf("Total s%s\t:%4ld.%02ld %% ",(negative) ? "lowdown" : "peedup",pctint / 100,pctint % 100);
- Printf("\n");
- }
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)treq);
- DeleteExtIO((struct IORequest *)treq);
- DeletePort(tport);
- return 0;
- }
- #asm
- xdef _donaught
- xdef __cli_parse
- xdef __wb_parse
- _donaught:
- __cli_parse:
- __wb_parse:
- rts
- #endasm
- void printoffset(unsigned short alignment)
- {
- Printf((alignment & 2) ? "even" : "long");
- if (alignment & 1)
- Printf("+1");
- }
- void testit(unsigned long loops,unsigned long bytes,long offset)
- {
- struct timeval *time1 = &tim1,
- *time2 = &tim2,
- *time3 = &tim3;
- unsigned long pctint;
- Printf("Copying %ld bytes %ld times (",bytes,loops);
- buf3 = buf1 + ((offset & 0xC) >> 2);
- buf4 = buf2 + (offset & 0x3);
- printoffset((offset & 0xC) >> 2);
- Printf(" -> ");
- printoffset(offset & 0x3);
- Printf(" offset)\n");
- Forbid();
- GetSysTime(time1);
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a2-a3/a6/d4-d5,-(sp)
- movea.l _naught,a2
- movea.l _buf3,a3
- movea.l _buf4,a6
- move.l %%loops,d4
- move.w d4,d5
- swap d4
- subq.w #1,d5
- bcs.s l1end
- loop1 movea.l a3,a0
- movea.l a6,a1
- move.l %%bytes,d0
- jsr (a2)
- dbf d5,loop1
- l1end dbf d4,loop1
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6/d4-d5
- #endasm
- }
- GetSysTime(time3);
- Permit();
- SubTime(time3,time1);
- Forbid();
- GetSysTime(time1);
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a2-a3/a6/d4-d5,-(sp)
- movea.l _oldcms,a2
- movea.l _buf3,a3
- movea.l _buf4,a6
- move.l %%loops,d4
- move.w d4,d5
- swap d4
- subq.w #1,d5
- bcs.s l2end
- loop2 movea.l a3,a0
- movea.l a6,a1
- move.l %%bytes,d0
- jsr (a2)
- dbf d5,loop2
- l2end dbf d4,loop2
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6/d4-d5
- #endasm
- }
- GetSysTime(time2);
- Permit();
- SubTime(time2,time1);
- SubTime(time2,time3);
- AddTime(&totold,time2);
- timold.tv_secs =
- timdif.tv_secs = time2->tv_secs;
- timold.tv_micro =
- timdif.tv_micro = time2->tv_micro;
- Printf("Old CopyMem%s: %2ld.%02ld secs\n","\t",time2->tv_secs,time2->tv_micro / 10000);
- Forbid();
- GetSysTime(time1);
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a2-a3/a6/d4-d5,-(sp)
- movea.l _newcms,a2
- movea.l _buf3,a3
- movea.l _buf4,a6
- move.l %%loops,d4
- move.w d4,d5
- swap d4
- subq.w #1,d5
- bcs.s l3end
- loop3 movea.l a3,a0
- movea.l a6,a1
- move.l %%bytes,d0
- jsr (a2)
- dbf d5,loop3
- l3end dbf d4,loop3
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6/d4-d5
- #endasm
- }
- GetSysTime(time2);
- Permit();
- SubTime(time2,time1);
- SubTime(time2,time3);
- AddTime(&totnew,time2);
- SubTime(&timdif,time2);
- if ((LONG)timdif.tv_secs < 0)
- {
- timdif.tv_secs = -((LONG)timdif.tv_secs + 1);
- timdif.tv_micro = 1000000 - timdif.tv_micro;
- negative = TRUE;
- }
- else negative = FALSE;
- Printf("New CopyMem%s: %2ld.%02ld secs","\t",time2->tv_secs,time2->tv_micro / 10000);
- pctint = ((timdif.tv_secs * 100) + (timdif.tv_micro / 10000)) * 10000
- / ((timold.tv_secs * 100) + (timold.tv_micro / 10000));
- if ((pctint % 10) > 5)
- pctint += 10;
- pctint /= 10;
- Printf(" (%s%2ld.%ld%%)\n",(negative) ? "+" : "-",pctint / 10,pctint % 10);
- if ((!offset) && (!(bytes % 4)))
- {
- Forbid();
- GetSysTime(time1);
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a2-a3/a6/d4-d5,-(sp)
- movea.l _oldcmq,a2
- movea.l _buf3,a3
- movea.l _buf4,a6
- move.l %%loops,d4
- move.w d4,d5
- swap d4
- subq.w #1,d5
- bcs.s l4end
- loop4 movea.l a3,a0
- movea.l a6,a1
- move.l %%bytes,d0
- jsr (a2)
- dbf d5,loop4
- l4end dbf d4,loop4
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6/d4-d5
- #endasm
- }
- GetSysTime(time2);
- Permit();
- SubTime(time2,time1);
- SubTime(time2,time3);
- AddTime(&totold,time2);
- timold.tv_secs =
- timdif.tv_secs = time2->tv_secs;
- timold.tv_micro =
- timdif.tv_micro = time2->tv_micro;
- Printf("Old CopyMem%s: %2ld.%02ld secs\n","Quick",time2->tv_secs,time2->tv_micro / 10000);
- Forbid();
- GetSysTime(time1);
- {
- #asm
- movem.l a2-a3/a6/d4-d5,-(sp)
- movea.l _newcmq,a2
- movea.l _buf3,a3
- movea.l _buf4,a6
- move.l %%loops,d4
- move.w d4,d5
- swap d4
- subq.w #1,d5
- bcs.s l5end
- loop5 movea.l a3,a0
- movea.l a6,a1
- move.l %%bytes,d0
- jsr (a2)
- dbf d5,loop5
- l5end dbf d4,loop5
- movem.l (sp)+,a2-a3/a6/d4-d5
- #endasm
- }
- GetSysTime(time2);
- Permit();
- SubTime(time2,time1);
- SubTime(time2,time3);
- AddTime(&totnew,time2);
- SubTime(&timdif,time2);
- if (negative = ((LONG)timdif.tv_secs < 0))
- {
- timdif.tv_secs = -((LONG)timdif.tv_secs + 1);
- timdif.tv_micro = 1000000 - timdif.tv_micro;
- }
- Printf("New CopyMem%s: %2ld.%02ld secs","Quick",time2->tv_secs,time2->tv_micro / 10000);
- pctint = ((timdif.tv_secs * 100) + (timdif.tv_micro / 10000)) * 10000
- / ((timold.tv_secs * 100) + (timold.tv_micro / 10000));
- if ((pctint % 10) > 5)
- pctint += 10;
- pctint /= 10;
- Printf(" (%s%2ld.%ld%%)\n",(negative) ? "+" : "-",pctint / 10,pctint % 10);
- }
- Printf("\n");
- }